Practical Information


Navigation through entire stages will be only with the Road Book. The GPS is used only for tracking and logging. One device will be given to each competitor by the organization. This system will be used for safety tracking and to check speed limit zones.


The Route will remain secret until the RoadBook is distributed. The Road Book is in standard A5 format for Cars and in 145 mm wide roll for Bikes and Quads. Both have total distance notes and relative distance notes to the next tulip. Official Road Book is in English. Minimum unit distance, is 10 meters and participants must calibrate their computer the day before the stage in a defined distance given by the organizers.

It is absolutely forbidden to go in the opposite direction of the route and it is not allowed to go off the track. This incurs penaltiew up to exclusion of the race. The route is divided in connection section “liaison” and timed section “selective”. In the liaison section competitors must follow the route with a defined average speed and an exact target time. The special section has to be covered in the fastest time possible and the sum of all special sections of all stages will define the winner. Any penalties will be added to this time.


All the vehicles must be registered and issued with a logbook/registration certificate. Temporary registration plates/registrations will be banned. All mechanical parts of the vehicle will be checked. Riders/drivers will be unable to participate if their vehicle fails to meet required standard. Each vehicle requires to have:

– Trip master
– Road book holder (motorbikes)
– Stickers with your full name, blood group and nations flag.
– Headlights and taillights are required during the race, as well as installation of an additional light on the rear fender (optional).

Each faulty vehicle light will result in a written reminder. It is advisable to carry spares. Vehicles with faulty lights will be unable to start the special. The frames will be marked at scrutineering and must be identifiable at any time during the event. All welded parts surrounding the engine and supporting the steering column and rear suspension mounting points are considered parts of the frame. Only the markings by the scrutineers during audits shall prevail. Any vehicle with a unmarked or not bearing his race number during the test will be disqualified. The absence or alteration of an identification mark (stamp, paint or lead) result in disqualification of the driver. All protest should be deposited to the clerk of the race director after publishing of provisional Results in written.

Each driver/rider must have a small first aid medical kit which includes:

  • Eye drops
  • An analgesic (aspirin, analgesic or equivalent)
  •  Dressings sterile
  • Two bandages
  • Disinfectant


  • Water 2lt per competitor
  • Energy bars or food
  • GSM phone with roaming or local SIM card


No participant will be permitted to start the event if he/she does not present all the following documents to the Administration Scruteeniring. It is obligation of participants to present documents and if they fail to do so, Entry Fee will not be refund.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

All participants must have :

A) For their Vehicle :

1) Legitimate Vehicle Registration License.

2) Insurance Policy for Third Party Liability.

3) Insurance Green Card.

B) For Crew Members :

1) Valid Driving License.

2) Personal insurance for coverage during the race(bodily damages)

3) Passport or ID card